The Carolina Spinners, Weavers, and Knitters Guild will hold its first meeting of 2022 on Saturday January 8 at 10:30 am at Grace Episcopal Church, 1315 Lyttleton Street, in Camden.
After our business meeting and show and tell we will have lunch (bring a bag lunch this time) and then hear a presentation about knitting and weaving with linen by Dawne Wimbrow, owner of Lofty Fibers in Easley.
We will have an opportunity to shop after the presentation, but If you would like to order any product beforehand you can let Dawne ( know and she will deliver it to you on Saturday, saving shipping costs.
Remember that annual dues must be paid by February! Make your check for $25 to Wendy Koehler and bring it this month so you don’t forget.
Our officers for 2022 are:
President: Karen Medley
Vice President: Fran Funderburk
Treasurer: Wendy Koehler
Secretary: Jean Cox

A highlight of our year is the color challenge, and it’s definitely not too early to be pondering your interpretation of our guild logo! It’s shown here on the right, and Karen will have cards with the logo at the meeting, and finished projects will be shared in July.